How many times have you typed in some new music to your playlists and been disappointed when the result was something less than extraordinary? This is why We enjoy independent folk artists. They are authentic and very much in touch with their unique style.
Folk music is all about the culture. It’s about people, and their stories, and their experiences. It’s about the way that people personally express themselves—both through the music itself, and in the way they perform it.
The best folk artists are the ones who can authentically connect with their audience, who can tell a story in such a way that it resonates with them on a deep level. That requires not just talent, but also a commitment to authenticity—and that’s what makes folk music so special.

Kevan And The Black Country Sons releasing Mr Johnson
“Mr Johnson” is a blues-based musical about the 1930’s American blues artist Robert Johnson, which features a bluesy style with a gospel flavour.
That’s why we’ve compiled this list of some of our favourite new folk releases from independent artists. These are artists who know how to tell their stories in an authentic way, using their own voices and styles to create something truly special for their audiences (and for themselves).
You can listen to our full playlist which contains the artists’ music, and know more about their work by scrolling down the page.

1) JON SLOW – Haystack Rock
Jon Slow is a singer-songwriter from Black Rock, CT. He’s released his album Haystack Rock, which is an acoustic rock album that draws from a variety of genres including alternative, classic rock and pop.
His music is incredibly unique—it’s an acoustic, melodic pop rock that gives off a classic sound but has a modern vibe to it as well. The lyrics are honest and relatable, just like all good songwriting should be. And his voice? Well, let’s just say you’ll want to listen to this album on repeat!
As a singer-songwriter of acoustic-based rock music, Jon Slow’s latest full-length release, “Haystack Rock”, combines a style, alternate tunings, and a narrative lyrical theme to tread new artistic ground.
As a result of overcoming monumental challenges throughout the pandemic, he was inspired by the concept of embracing the moment in order to combine incredible romantic and professional good fortune.
If you’re looking for something new to listen to this weekend, this album is it! Check it out on Spotify or visit their website to find out more about Jon Slow and his music!

2) MICHA MAAT – Love The Way You Lie
You may be wondering what the unique take on Eminem’s hit song “Love the way you lie” is all about. Those who have not yet heard Micha Maat‘s cover song are definitely missing out!
As a result of Micha Maat’s incredibly powerful voice, this well-known song is given an entirely different dimension when he sings it. Doesn’t matter if you already know the song or not, you will love this version, even if you don’t know the original.
In addition to his interpretation being filled with passion and emotions, he is able to captivate the listener for long periods of time. Creating an atmosphere of such intense intensity, Micha Maat is able to conjure up so many emotions in his music, that you will feel as if you are in a different world.
This single is one of many great songs on his album “Love Songs”, which is available on Spotify. Check out his website for more information about him!

3) THE LEVY CIRCUS – Seriously
If you’re looking for a classic sound with a modern twist, look no further than the Levy Circus.
The Levy Circus is an Americana singer-songwriter band based in Leicestershire, England. They take inspiration from British culture and classic rock to create their own unique blend of soft rock.
Their single “Seriously” is the perfect example of this blend: it’s a love song with a classic sound that will bring you back to the days when music was still fun when bands didn’t yet have to be edgy or dark to be cool.
The song’s chorus is uplifting and will have you singing along by the second verse. This song would be great for anyone looking for some upbeat music to play while cleaning their house or driving around town on errands.
If you love classic rock and relaxing tunes, check out their website and follow them on Spotify!

4) CARSON ADAY – Chest Pain
If you’re looking for an artist with a unique and authentic sound, look no further than Carson Aday. His single “Chest Pain” is a fresh take on the acoustic pop genre.
Chest Pain is a reflective acoustic track by the multi-platinum, Grammy-award-winning Mikal Blue that recalls the joys of a relationship as well as the hurt that is left in its absence as a result of the breakup.
This track definitely has that “pop banger” feel to it—you’re going to want to blast this song as loud as possible so everyone can hear how great it is!
The chorus is one of those beautifully written pop choruses that just get stuck in your head after one listen; it’s impossible not to sing along.
I highly recommend checking out Carson Aday’s other songs on Spotify or visiting his website to see what else he has going on!

After the success of the album “You Can Call Me LOVE” (number 15 on the iTunes French charts), the artist has released a new single titled “Stay!” released on April 7th, 2023.
There is one thing that distinguishes Fish And Scale aka Roland Wälzlein from other artists in the music scene, and that is authentic music that opens the heart.
In addition to touching people deeply with his music, he is also dedicated to evoking inner knowledge and wisdom in people who listen to his music.
His sound can be described as “easy listening” with acoustic guitars, drums, bass, piano and vocals. The lyrics are simple but meaningful; they are reminiscent of classic folk music while still being modernized with contemporary pop twists that keep things interesting.
If you like folk music with an edge then check out FISH AND SCALE! You can find their single Stay! on Spotify or visit their website!

Alt-folk music artist KEVAN AND THE BLACK COUNTRY SONS has released a new single, Mr Johnson.
The track is a spaghetti western-inspired acoustic rock song that resonates with listeners of all ages. It’s a classic sound that will appeal to fans of artists like Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash and Tom Petty.
“Mr Johnson” is a blues-based musical about the 1930’s American blues artist Robert Johnson, which features a bluesy style with a gospel flavour.
I would like to take a moment to point out that the song is written by the esteemed musician Kevan Ward. A celebration of the independent artist’s journey from the thrill of creating something unique to the anticipation of sharing it with the world, it’s a celebration of the creative process for independent artists.
Inspiring the listener to stay true to their creative vision, no matter the obstacles that may arise along the way, “Mr Johnson” inspires listeners to follow their dreams and remain true to their creative vision, regardless of the obstacles they may face along the way.
If you want more from this artist, follow him on Spotify, and visit his website!